ࡱ> #%"7  bjbjUU "7|7|l,  ,RTTTTTT$ xxvRRRR кppu,VRRR0R  R,,(ME) So much for that being my last email COMMENT: I'm sorry, but I see absolutely no connection between my statement "pagan doctrine of eternal torture," and you statement that "Tartarus" is a pagan word, and "Greek" is a pagan language? It is a shame that you cannot see the connection. Ill try to make it clear for you. Pagans used the word tartarus in a certain way. 2 Peter used tartarus in a very similar way. Hope that is clear enough for you. (SMITH) Dear John: Sorry, I am very busy, but I do want to comment on your last email concerning Tartarus. I must admit that I REALLY didn't think that that was where you were coming from in regards to the fact that Peter used this Greek word, Tartarus. I have a good deal to comment on that, but will save it and combine it with my comment on your excerpt from Plato regarding the "eternal gods." These both have much in common--Were the Greek gods truly "eternal" and is Peter buying into the Greek doctrine of "Hades the god of Tartarus" and all that attends to it. I'll get back to you on this; and thank you for at least challenging me with something having some logic behind it, even though I believe in my heart of hearts that neither argument changes the Scriptural use of "aionios" from "eonian" to "eternal." It is a refreshing change of pace for me, from the usual questions and challenges I am present with. God be with you, Ray +KLai{|  i j k l | } ҺҴҺҴǯǯǯ B*ph 0J5\0J56B*\]phB*OJQJ^Jph0J5B*\ph0J 0JB*ph0JCJ0JB*CJphB*OJQJ^Jph"+L| j l } d %d O ]^d %d O [$]^  1h/ =!"#$% i8@8 NormalCJ_HaJmH sH tH <A@< Default Paragraph Font"W@" Strong5\J^@J Normal (Web)dd[$\$OJPJQJ^J+L| jl}000000000000000000   ai/7ai]33333HalfTimehC:\Documents and Settings\HalfTime\My Documents\Austin\responses\WEBSITEEMAILS\SMITH FOURTH RESPONSE.docHalfTimeVC:\Documents and Settings\HalfTime\My Documents\Austin\responses\WEBSITEEMAILS\4.4.doc@C@@UnknownGz Times New Roman5Symbol3& z ArialI& ??Arial Unicode MS"1h^[ƈ "02Q%So much for that being my last email& HalfTimeHalfTimeOh+'0 $0 L X dpx&So much for that being my last emailt o m HalfTimeor alfalfNormale HalfTimeor 2lfMicrosoft Word 9.0i@@\1n@`Zu՜.+,0  hp|  csu  &So much for that being my last email Title  !$Root Entry Fpu&1Table WordDocument"SummaryInformation(DocumentSummaryInformation8CompObjjObjectPoolpupu  FMicrosoft Word Document MSWordDocWord.Document.89q